Computational neuroscience has advanced rapidly in recent years owning to the availability of the sheer amount of neural recordings and connectomic data. It is the perfect time for developing a collaborative forum that promotes research in computational neuroscience in the Asia-Pacific area. After a thorough discussion among several researchers from different Asia countries, we (the organization committee) decided to host the first Asia-Pacific Computational and Congnitive Neuroscience (AP-CCN) conference. The mission of the AP-CCN Conference is to promote computational neuroscience, and to facilitate interactions and collaborations between theoreticians and experimentalists.
Associate Professor & Deputy Director
Neuroengineering Program
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Department of Bio and Brain Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | KAIST, Korea
Professor & Director
Institute of Systems Neuroscience
Department of Life Sciences
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan R.O.C
Team Leader
Neural Computation and Adaptation
RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan
Distinguished Global Professor of Neural Science
Adjunct Professor of Physics
Co-Director, Swartz Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
New York University, U.S.A
Upload online poster Online poster presentation RegistrationProgram at a glance
Abstract submissions :Jun 01, 2020 ~ Jun 30, 2020
Registration :Aug 01, 2020 ~ Sep 20, 2020
Conference :Sep 26, 2020 ~ Sep 27, 2020